Why @NickCarter is the best Backstreet Boy

by | May 31, 2021 | Backstreet Boys, Nick Carter, Opinion, Thoughts | 0 comments

I know, before you start the tweets telling me while this post is wrong, please remember that is is an opinion, but I know I’m not alone in thinking this:

Nick Carter is the best Backstreet Boy.

Now all of the guys are amazing to fans and treat them like family, but there’s something special when it comes to Nick and his Nick girls.

Nick goes out of his way to try to keep in touch with his fans, whether it’s going on Instagram Live all the the time or getting on Twitch to joke around, play video games, answer questions and just to check in like he’s done recently.

The boy is busy. He has three kids under the age of five, but he makes time to keep in touch with us, to let us know how he’s doing, and just to check in whether he’s on a walk outside, golfing, working out, or just being the silly fool that he is.

The other guys are attentive and AJ loves TikTok, but to be honest, we haven’t seen much of the other guys during this Covid period. And yes, they have been off on person time, which is definetly needed after the last few years, but we still see a lot of Nick and that’s what makes him amazing.

Nick has this special connection with his fans. Yeah, there’s a few of us that he knows by name and while everybody is fighting for his attention, it probably makes a few a little annoyed. The other guys have these same type of relationships with fans, having their “faves,” but Nick is the only one I think that could have his “faves” make a football or baseball team. He knows SO many of us and that shows how much he cares about us. Not that the others don’t, but Nick, I guess, is a little more connected.

Why? I don’t know. That’s a question for Nick.

When my Mom was in ICU a few years ago on a ventalator the first time she was really sick, he sent me a message telling me she was in his prayers. I mean, what other pop star is going to do that?

I’ve often wondered if it’s because Nick is closer to our most fans’s age. For instance, him and AJ are the two that are most active on social media and they are the youngest. They have always been the ones closest in age to the majority of fans.

Regardless, Nick is the best Backstreet Boy.

Fight me on it.



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