News: According to @HowieD, BSB begins work on Christmas Album this month

by | Mar 1, 2021 | Backstreet Boys, Howie Dorough, News | 0 comments


Howie Dorough talked with and Florida Today about the groundbreaking of his $35 million Cocoa Beach condo complex Monday, March 1st, and found out a little more information about upcoming music from the Backstreet Boys.

According to Howie, the Backstreet Boys plan to start pre-production the second week of March for an upcoming Christmas Album. The group has a list of about 30 classic songs that will be cut down to 10. They also plan to have two original songs, with the album being finished by June. 

“I’m actually catching up with the guys for the first time in a year next week. We’re going to catch up somewhere in the winter wonderland — somewhere wherever there’s some snow — to get into the Christmas spirit,” Howie D said.

Howie said that the group will get together to decide who sounds best singing individual parts and then the group will probably record individually, with him recording near his home in Florida. 

So, what do you think? Think we’ll ever see this Christmas album?

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