News: @AJ_McLean to start beauty line, Ava Dean Beauty

by | Oct 22, 2020 | AJ McLean, News | 0 comments

When you thought things in the Covid-19 world couldn’t get more interesting, it has. 

According to several online sources and a podcast, AJ McLean is starting Ava Dean Beauty with Backstreet Boys bodyguard Josh Naranjo. 

Josh talked with @SB.pace about small business plan writing and the school where you can learn to do more of that. But then he brought up the make-up brand. Avan Dean Beauty will actually be one of the participants in an upcoming SB Pace Learning Academy on Oct. 28 called “Building the Foundation for a Business.”

“We made this in reference to them and is inspired by them and their father and daughter relationship,” Josh said. 

According to Josh, they are hoping around February 2021 to have the brand up and running. 

Check out the interview here.  AJ also did a podcast where he talked about Ava Dean Beauty. He discusses possible marketing strategies for the band, as well as challenges to starting a cosmetics brand.

Ava Dean Beauty already has an instagram page and you can follow them here.

Update: Ava Dean Beauty will launch on Monday, Nov. 30, 2020 at Noon EST. Check out the website here!



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