Thoughts: Backstreet Boys’ new radio show just made Quarantine so much better

by | Aug 19, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Thoughts | 0 comments

It’s mid-August and the Backstreet Boys are supposed to be halfway through with the second leg of their “DNA” World Tour, but alas, we are all sitting at home, twiddling our thumbs or having Zoom meetings with work because you’ve been working from home. 

But just like the knights in shining armor that they are, here comes the Backstreet Boys to save the day once again. 

If you haven’t heard the news yet, the Backstreet Boys’ released a new radio show last night at midnight (9 p.m. PST). 

Yes, there have been people complaining that they don’t have Apple Music or they don’t have iPhones and why can’t they do it for something that’s free. 

There’s always going to be people that complain.

I’ve had Apple Music for nearly two years I think, possibly longer and I love it. The radio stations are on point and I can download any songs that are on iTunes on my phone without paying for it. Although I am paying for it, monthly, but it saves me money because I used to spend a lot on buying music from iTunes. 

But enough of the amazingness of Apple Music. That’s just my opinion.


I haven’t smiled like I did this morning or laugh like I did after hearing the story of Howie dressing as AJ for Halloween once at the Playboy Mansion. 

We needed this. Us Backstreet Boys fans needed this radio show. It came at the perfect time and to be honest, I hope they continue it past the six other episodes that they discussed in the Cosmo interview that Nick did. It doesn’t have to be every day or every week, but maybe once a month or every other month. ANYTHING. 

This radio show is giving us fans life right now when days or gloomy and our country (at least us in the U.S. – be glad he’s not your prez) is a mess, this radio show is the bright spot that many of us needed. 

Plus, it gave us some things that we needed.

“‘Millennium’ was one of the best albums in pop history,” Brian Littrell said while discussing “Millennium.” “I mean, come on guys. Listen, I’m not saying that to be an egomaniac. I’m not. You just look song for song and what we did. You know, that was a movement in time. People needed happy music.”

Sound familiar? We need happy music right now, but hearing Brian say this about “Millennium” is what I want to hear them say. Talk about how that was damn near perfect, especially after that boy band book that was released this week said it was mostly fillers. PSH! I want to know that the boys know that album was perfect. 

Hearing them talk about some deep cuts like “If You Stay” from the Jamie Foxx movie soundtrack “Booty Call” and the amazingness that is that song is what I needed this hot, August day.  Hearing Howie talk about how proud he is of “What Makes You Different, Makes You Beautiful” warmed my heart.

And hearing Nick say he would be the fact checker made me giggle as I sat there telling them dates, wishing they could hear me so I could correct them. LOL! They have been through so much and done so much that I’m not surprised they forget things. 

The only thing that could have made the radio show better is if they didn’t skip over “Unbreakable,” “This Is Us,” and “In A World Like This.” I hate how sometimes it feels as if those albums are overlooked, especially “In A World Like This.” But it was a two-hour show and they had other things to talk about, so I get it. 

Just, dammit, I love “Love Somebody!”

All I Have To Give radio is just what we needed this summer to make us smile, giggle, even cry. 

Thank you Backstreet Boys!


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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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