Thoughts: Man, do I miss @backstreetboys on tour

by | Aug 7, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Opinion, Pop Music, Thoughts | 0 comments

It seems like every day I log onto social media, whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, and I see a Backstreet Boys fan saying, “I would have been in [insert city name here] today.”

Or it’s “A year ago today, I was [insert city name here] seeing Backstreet Boys.”

The Coronavirus life officially and utterly sucks ass, we know. If the virus hadn’t taken over the United States, I would have already seen the boys twice – once in Lexington and once in Cleveland. I would have already seen some of my girls. I would be happy. 

Seriously, 2020 has sucked. 

On top of the tour postponing, not seeing my friends, losing my precious Phoebe six days before her 16th birthday, and my Mom’s kidneys shutting down twice, not much good as happened this year so far. I’ve seen fellow fans who have also lost pets, lost loved ones and friends to Coronavirus or other health issues, losing their jobs, and most of all, losing all hope. 

I’m lucky I have a job that is letting us work from home until January. I’m lucky that this virus hasn’t touched any of my friends personally or family members. 

But son of a bitch, I miss the Backstreet Boys. I miss seeing my friends. I miss seeing their security and joking with Mike. I miss hearing Nick say “Karaaaaaaaaah” in his typical way. I miss Brian calling me “Atlanta” as if I’m the only ATL fan. I miss that Kevin RIchardson hug. 

I miss the feeling as the lights go low and the crowd cheering. 

Do you know how often I’ve watched that freakin’ Argentina webcast concert? A few too many times. I won’t tell you the number because I will likely be judged. 

Then again, I’m always judged. I’ve watched it about 30 times since it first aired in March. 

In fact, if you’re missing the tour, just watch the video. It does your Backstreet soul good.

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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