News: The BSBFangirls Shops are now open!

by | Jul 9, 2020 | News, Shop, Site News | 0 comments

Yep! You read that correct, after talking about it for a few months, our shops are now open! You can see them all by going to our Shops page, or we can just break them down right here for you. 🙂 

First off, this is not Backstreet Boys merchandise. We cannot do Backstreet Boys merchandise. This is BSBFangirl (our website) merchandise and other designs that we have come up with. We like to call it Fangirl Fashion. It’s mostly for the boy band fangirls AND fanboys in the world.

While Karah’s books and Britt + Kelsey’s Etsy shop have been linked for months on the page, we now have two other shops and we’re going to explain the difference here. 


The TeeSpring BSBFangirls shop has a variety of clothing, such as T-Shirts, hoodies, tanks, baby and children’s clothing. This shop offers a variety of different types of T-Shirts because we know everyone usually enjoys one certain style. Plus, the shirts are cheaper here, but very good quality. 

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The RedBubble BSBFangirls shop has everything – journals, phone cases, tablet cases, stickers, bags, blankets, cups, even mask! We also have shirts in this store, but it is the normal T-shirts. We know some people may not want to do two different shipping from both stores. 

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While the money we personally make from this venture is very small, we will be donating a percentage of our earnings to an undetermined charity (we still have to decide!). The other earnings will go toward the cost of the website. 🙂 We aren’t trying to fund the 2021 DNA tour here. Ha!

Two things we were asked about having in our shops were keychains and Pop Sockets. These stores do not have keychains and PopSockets are a name brand item. However, until we are able to do Pop Sockets, if you would like one of our designs so that you can head over to PopSocket’s official site and create your own, let us know. We can probably get you that because I honestly doubt either store will ever have those. 

If there’s a certain design that you would like on another color of shirt without the colorful gradient design, let us know and we can always add those. Email us at 🙂

Note: Since my (Karah)’s birthday is Sunday, you can use the “KARAHIS40” promo code on TeeSpring to get $5 off until Monday. 🙂

About Us

We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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