10 times @NickCarter was the world’s most adorable father

by | Jun 21, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Nick Carter, Top Lists | 0 comments

Let’s be real – did we ever think we would see the day that Nick Carter’s favorite name to go by besides Backstreet Boy is Daddy? Sure, some of us thought the day would eventually arrive, and the rest of us may think it’s the best version of the father of two. 

Some of Nick’s best moments over the past four years (since Odin was born) has been Daddy Nick. 

So on this Father’s Day, we want to point out 10 times that Nick Carter was the world’s most adorable father. 

10. Taking care of sick kid Daddy


9. New Daddy

8. Rockstar Daddy

7.  Holiday Daddy

6.  Playful Daddy

5. Girl Dad

4. Vacation Daddy

3. Thankful Daddy


2. Sporty Daddy

1. Musical Daddy



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