@BackstreetBoys Lyrics That Take on New Meaning in 2020

by | Jun 20, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Pop Music, Top Lists | 1 comment

Ready for us to ruin a few Backstreet Boys songs for you!? Just kidding, we won’t, we promise! Instead, maybe this will get you listening just a little closer to the words you already know + love and relate them to 2020. Because, let’s face it — we could all use yet another reason to stream all of our favorite BSB songs right now! 

While this year is NO favorite for any Backstreet Boys fan, hearing little lyrics within some of our favorite songs can help us cope a little easier. 🙂


“Distant faces with no place left to go…” – Incomplete

NO KIDDING. Especially those of us who haven’t left the house in quite some time. This line from “Incomplete” is spot on.


“In the silence of your cave, you feel safe. You decorate it with velvet drapes. Outside you see the dark woods. But you don’t know there’s fields of gold ahead…” – Madeline

Phew, deep breaths. As heavy as all of this feels right now, this WILL be temporary. We’ll all be back together, singing along to these songs in-person soon!


“Time. Look where we are and what we’ve been through…” – Time

Especially over the last few months that has actually felt like a few years, right?!


“Bad things will happen, but none of that matters. We’ll find a way, as long as I’m with you, I’m ok…” – OK

Lean on your fellow BSB fans, especially if those are your closest friends in your life. We’re all going through coronavirus (+ the BSB hiatus!) together!


“There is reason for looking up but I’m feeling down. You see I’ve got to catch a plane, won’t buy a ticket. Cause it’s hard to stop when you’re spinning around. It’s a weird world don’t you know it? It’s a weird world and it won’t slow down. It’s a weird world no matter how you roll it…” – Weird World

This song literally played in my head as we canceled one of our MANY trips for the rest of 2020. What a weird, weird, weird world we’re living in right now…. 


“Touch me now, don’t bother…” – Shape of My Heart

No. Go wash your hands. 20 seconds.


“Now I’m climbing the walls cause I miss you..” – Climbing the Walls

UGH, for real! We’re missing our favorite boys!


“Girl with just a touch you can do so much. No one else comes close…” – No One Else Comes Close

Nope. Again, go wash your hands and stay 6 feet.


“In a world like this where people fall apart. In a time like this where nothing comes from the heart. In a world like this, I’ve got you..” – In a World Like This

Feels like the world is falling apart a little bit, right? Take a deep breath. We’re here for you and so are your other fellow BSB fans!


Honorable Entire Song Mentions:

  • “Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely”– We’re not even going to try to quote this one with specific lyrics. How about the whole damn song!? ???
  • “Back To Your Heart”– Most of these lyrics apply to the current ‘if only we knew…’ vibes we’ve been feeling since the world was shut down for coronavirus.
  • “Breathe” (DNA) – Days all feel the same? Can somebody take me back? Yep, another song where we could easily relate the entire song back to current corona/quarantine vibes.


Remember, if you’re really, truly struggling with everything going on, and you need more than just a few lyrics to help you smile, you have resources available to you! 


Here are just a few:

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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