News: @NickCarter talks with about fatherhood

by | Jun 19, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Music, News, Nick Carter, Pop Music | 0 comments

Man, Nick Carter just keeps giving us good content to post about while on this coronavacation!

Nick talked with about how he’s not only a father of two, but he’s still a Backstreet Boy.

“Well, the music has wrapped for a little bit, and I’m enjoying being in the moment and being with my children. Right now, I still am a Backstreet boy, and I’m very proud of that. There are plans, obviously, to continue touring and making more music and all those things. I don’t think I really ever thought about when it wraps what I’m going to do afterwards, but if I was to sort of pick a job or something else, I’m willing to do anything. I’ll be a mechanic if I have to, or I’ll be a handyman. I can build things, put it that way.”

Fun fact, because Nick’s always talking about which shows he’s watching, he’s currently catching up on things he missed while on tour in the ’90s and early ’00s – He’s watching “The Sopranos.” 

Click here to read the full article!

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