Site Update: BSBFangirls merch, a poll, and omg .. a year?

by | Jun 13, 2020 | Shop, Site News, Writing | 2 comments

Can you believe that the DNA World Tour doesn’t start back in North America for almost an entire year? A YEAR! That’s when it sinks in and the feels all start. In fact, I kind of went through that yesterday. 

Somehow we are gonna have to figure out a way to survive. Apparently beginning July 1st in Georgia, concert venues can open and Hall and Oates are still going to hold a concert in August where the boys were to play here. 

I’m so hard up for a concert, I may go see it. 

But enough of that …

BSBFangirls Shop

We are still working on ideas for the upcoming BSBFangirls shop that not only will have some designs with our logo, but some other things for all fangirls and fanboys. You’ve probably seen a few of the coffee mugs that Britt and Kelsey have done through their Etsy shop, like the one they sent me a few weeks ago.

You can see the main photo above that Steph got in the mail the other day. The girls have different vinyl colors and you can see more or order your own BSBFangirls mug over at their Design Nostalgia Etsy shop! 

Also, take part in the poll below and if you select “Other,” just comment below and let us know or Tweet us at @BSBFangirls 🙂

[Total_Soft_Poll id=”6″]


My Mom

Since I posted about it on here last week, my Mom is now at home and doing a lot better. She didn’t get home until 3 a.m. last night, which is why you guys do not have a fun post from me today because of lack of sleep, but that’s a whole other story. As of right now, she does not need to do dialysis again, which is good. So thank you everybody for your thoughts, prayers, tweets, DMs, etc. You guys don’t know how much I appreciate it. 

Let It Be Me

I originally had a publication date of July 4th for “Let It Be Me,” but I’m not sure if it’s going to make it. I wanted it published before my birthday on the 12th, but it’s not complete and not edited and it’s already June 13. With my fall and knee problems, working a lot and my Mom, I haven’t even touched the file. I need to get out of this funk and my life settles down a little. 

That’s it for now! Stay tuned for a new post later tonight, or tomorrow at least 🙂 



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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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