News: @NickCarter performs “God Bless America” for PBR

by | May 24, 2020 | Music, News, Nick Carter, Pop Music, Videos | 0 comments

Picture it … 2020 … Quarantine … you tell one of your best friends you want to see Nick Carter perform in the back of his truck in a cowboy hat and guitar. 

Two days later, it happens. 

The PBR’s Instagram account posted a video of Nick Carter sitting in the back of his black Ford pickup truck in a black buttoned-up shirt, black cowboy hat, and kind-of faded jeans (yes, I’m describing the outfit in detail because that’s what a fangirl does), and performed “God Bless America” solo while playing his acoustic guitar. 

Simply beautiful. The video was made in honor of all medical personnel and essential workers keeping our country alive and functioning.

Click here to watch the video on Instagram or view below on YouTube.

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