News: @NickCarter joins Hollywood Life for a little chat

by | May 21, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Interviews, News, Nick Carter, Videos | 0 comments

Could Backstreet Boys have something up their sleeve soon? According to Nick Carter, they just might!

Nick sat down and did an InstaLive with Hollywood Life where they talked about everything from waking up with Saoirse at 5 a.m. to the possibility of a “holiday” album, he said. AJ previously talked about it on Tuesday during his brief hosting duties on TikTok Live. 

According to Nick, the group has been meeting up with one another for Zoom meetings and discussing some things that he couldn’t go into detail about. We can only pray it’s a cruise for next year, but that’s just me!

The interviewer from Hollywood Life was very adamant about BSB possibly joining up with NSync for a tour and the majority of fans in the chat were having none of it. 

Check out the Instalive on Nick’s profile here, or watch the video below!

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