Introduction to BSBFangirls – Emilia

by | May 21, 2020 | Site News, Thoughts | 2 comments

Hello everyone! I’m Emilia and I thought I’d take the time to introduce myself to the BSBFangirls visitors.

Backstreet Boys fans may know me from A fan site I had on Nick Carter for 12 years. Almost two years ago I decided to close the site due to the lack of motivation I had for fansites at the time. I began to notice I just wasn’t interested in updating or working on my site like I used to be.

During those years I had the opportunity to update Nick’s official website. Something I still appreciate even though I’ve not updated it in a long time. Sometimes things happen that make you less motivated and not enjoy the things you used to love. That’s what happened to me. For nearly two years I just had no interest in working on websites. I won’t lie and say I didn’t miss it because I did. It’s what made me happy. It was my escape from the problems I had. I enjoyed working on it for fans and sharing the latest news on BSB. I’ve been doing so since the days of Yahoo groups in 2003.

Closing Kaos Online didn’t stop me from continuing to update fans on BSB. I did so through my site’s social media and forum. You may also see me around the Official BSB Fan Club as a moderator and an admin on the Facebook group. As you can see my involvement with the BSB fandom and through my work on Kaos Online over the years led me to have these opportunties. In which I’m forever grateful for.

There were days when I thought about maybe running a fansite again, but I wasn’t sure if I would have the motivation to work on them like I used to. It was a lot of work to make Kaos Online the best the I possibly could for all of the fans. During these past few months I’d talk to Karah and she offered the possibility to join her site and I didn’t know if I wanted to. Mostly because I still dealt with the feeling that I had towards working on websites in general. Eventually I decided to join and while I’m here I hope I can contribute to keeping fans updated on BSB as I’ve done with my fansite in the past.

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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