Introducing the NEW @BackstreetBoys Fangirls Brand + Website!

by | May 11, 2020 | News, Site News | 2 comments

It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally freakin’ HERE!

Guys, we are so damn excited to share the new and improved BSB Fangirls brand + website design.

If you’re not familiar with us yet, hi! We’re Britt + Kelsey. We’ve written quite a few posts for BSB Fangirls so far this year. By day (well, let’s be real, pretty much 24/7), we’re brand + website designers (read about how the boys have impacted our business here!) and we were absolutely thrilled to get the opportunity to design the new look and feel of the BSB Fangirls website that you’re looking at right now. 😉 Seriously, this was our DREAM project.


We started the process by asking Karah a few important questions like her goals for the site, and came up with some descriptive words to help guide us through the aesthetic design process. Those brand goals were:

Respected, Trustworthy, Exciting, and of course, Fun!
While keeping those goals in mind, we also drew inspiration from the colorful BSB Vegas Residency and DNA World Tour set designs. As designers ourselves, we’ve always been so inspired by the aesthetics associated with concerts—and the boys are obviously no exception! Throughout our almost 5 years as business owners, we’ve been dying to get our hands on a brand design like this one: bold, colorful, girly, and, hello—NEON?!
Yeah, like we said, DREAM. PROJECT. 

Once we had a color palette and overall aesthetic direction established, we jumped into logo design. The new BSB Fangirls logo features a bold but simple sans serif font—something that helps lean into those trustworthy and more laid-back vibes we wanted to create. The addition of the colorful neon gradient really helped kick up the balance of fun and excitement that we wanted this brand to have, too. Not to mention, Karah’s 80s girl heart was a HUGE fan of the neon. 😉


To bring the same vibes to life across the website, we’ve incorporated multiple different variations of the neon and the gradient, while still being sure to keep color usage subtle enough that it’s not too overwhelming. While this brand gave us the opportunity to take some risks and really have fun with the design, we still wanted the overall look and feel to be polished and professional. Because, well, Karah’s been working hard at building this empire for nearly 20 years now and it deserves to feel that way! 

The aesthetics don’t stop there! You may also notice that we hand-selected gallery photos to feature on the Home Page and About the Boys pages that specifically complimented the brand colors used throughout this site. So, you’ll see a lot of Vegas and DNA tour photos here, but don’t worry—there’s still thousands of photos to browse through on the new and improved Eye Candy page, too. 😉

Speaking of eye candy, we’ll stop being rambly design nerds so that you can go check it all out in action! Let us know what you think of the new look in the comments!


About Us

We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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