Guest Post: A @BackstreetBoys Fan Journey from the start to fan sites

by | Mar 29, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Guest Blogger, Music, Opinion, Personal, Pop Music, Reagan | 1 comment

I have been a BSB fan since December of 2018, and I have loved every second of it. I know I am what is considered a “young BSB fan” being in my teens, but their talent and charm transcend age in my opinion.

In this one year of being a fan, I’ve been to my first BSB concert, and I have created a fan page on Instagram. The boys have gotten me through tough times, and I would be incomplete without these 5 amazing people. I want to share my journey as a BSB fan from the start to the present, so I present to you my BSB fan journey.

A little time after Christmas in 2018, I was sitting in my living room with my family flipping through the channels on TV. The NKOTBSB concert from 2012 in London came across the guide and someone put it on.

I knew who the Backstreet Boys were, and when I was younger, I used to listen to two of their songs all the time, but I wasn’t really like a fan. As we watched the concert, I thought that BSB was pretty good. New Kids on the Block were pretty good too, but my attention was more drawn to the Backstreet Boys and little did I know, BSB was becoming a part of my DNA!

I admired their passion, their voices were so angelic, and dang they were cute! I loved Brian’s goofiness, Howie’s signature wink, AJ’s rock and roll vibe, and Nick’s passion and the way he made the crowd go crazy. That concert is when they announced that Kevin was coming back, and even though I really didn’t know who they were it just made me smile.

After the concert, I couldn’t get the Backstreet Boys out of my head, so I downloaded some of their songs, and watched some BSB interviews and I became an even bigger fan! After almost a year, I really wanted to see them in concert. They were on the DNA world tour and I wanted nothing more but to see them.

So, on September 13, I went to my first BSB concert and it was incredible. It was the best night of my life and I’ll never forget it. About a month after my first concert, I decided to really share my love for the boys and start a BSB fan page on Instagram.

I really enjoy having a fan page because there are so many amazing people on the fandom that love BSB as much as I do, and I really love posting about the boys. I try to post at least twice a day (sometimes I post more). I post pictures and videos of the boys, I make memes, and I try to create fun edits sometimes! My fan page, @backstreet_passionate, is growing so much and I’m so thankful for that!

Well that’s my BSB fan journey, and you’re crazy if you think it’s over! I’m going to another DNA concert in July, and I’m going to continue running my fan page.

I can’t wait to continue with this journey, I plan on being a fan for the rest of my life! Also please check out my page and all the other amazing BSB accounts on Instagram. And you know what the boys say, “As long as there’ll be music, they’ll be coming back again!” 

About Reagan

Reagan has been a fan for a little over a year and has been to 1 BSB concert, but plans to attend many, many more. She lives with her family in Tennessee and number one on her bucket list is to meet the Backstreet Boys!

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