Bottle Them Up: @BackstreetBoys are the best antidepressant

by | Mar 7, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Pop Music, Thoughts | 0 comments

Years ago, talking about suffering from something like depression was kind of taboo. Hell, it still is in a way, but people are more open about it now. 

I began suffering from depression when I was a teenager.  Maybe it was things that I had built up inside of me since childhood and the fact that I practically found my grandmother dead (she died in her sleep) when I was 15 just brought it all out. I was already shy back then, but I went into a cacoon. I didn’t want to talk to anybody. I didn’t want to go to concerts. I focused on my school work and did nothing else. 

I came out of it a little bit before graduating high school, but it was seeing the Backstreet Boys on Grad Nite, the last show before Brian’s open-heart surgery, is what opened me back up. It brought me into a new world – a world of happiness and it worked for a while until I fell down that depression hole again a few years later, dropped out of college and literally stayed in my house. I missed family members’ weddings, other events, didn’t want to go to concerts again, etc. 

What brought me out of that? I’ve talked about it before – Nick Carter’s “Now or Never” tour. 

Basically, the Backstreet Boys are my happiness. Whenever I’m feeling down, I listen to “Just Want You To Know” or Nick Carter’s “My Confession” or “I Got You” and a smile is instantly on my face. 

“I lost both my parents to cancer last year and I am going though so much. DNA has been medicine. I’m autistic. I am moving and it’s tough,” Malinda on Twitter said. 

And Malinda and I aren’t the only ones. After tweeting about it, we received tons of tweets from other fans who have felt the same way – Backstreet Boys are the best medicine for feeling down. 

“When I was 8 I was bullied heavily,” Brandie said. “Hated my life. Tried to kill myself 3 times. The next year BSB came out. I fell in love with their music. They helped me feel not so alone. Then when I was 18, I was raped. Their music helped me on those nights when all I could do was cry.”

I can relate to Brandi more than anybody can know. At times when I didn’t feel like going on, they were literally what kept me going. I know, it’s sad that my thought before wanting to end it all was, “God, I’d like to see them one more time in concert,” but when you are THAT down, that depressed, sometimes the simplest thing can keep you going. 

“They are medicine,” Nadine added. “They accompanied me every day when I was still at school. With a lot of fear on the neck. I was bullied every day. Then I fled my first marriage because of domestic violence. I was in a clinic for 3 months. At this point, the song ‘Incomplete’ came out.”

For some people, like myself, the Backstreet Boys are like a security blanket, like Linus has on the Charlie Brown cartoons. Sammi is the same way.

“My mum bought by their album 1997 year after my dad passed away and since then have just been my security blanket through all life’s highs and lows,” she said. 

Check out what other fans have said about the Backstreet Boys being the best medicine a doctor could ever prescribe.

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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