Did You Know: 5 @BackstreetBoys facts you may have forgotten

by | Feb 22, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Did You Know | 0 comments

Let’s face it … as Backstreet Boys fans we like to pride ourselves on knowing our five favorite guys like the back of our hands. 

I mean, who else is going to remember that Nick used to hate to leave his feet hanging off the side of the bed because he was afraid monsters would grab him? #ThanksTigerBeat

As the 2018 Backstreet Boys HQ Trivia champion on the BSB Cruise, even I didn’t answer two of the questions I was sked. One was what was Kevin’s name in Chicago (never seen the more or play, so I had no idea) and what was the name of one of his movies, but I like to have that looked at again, because I think I answered it right and Nick said it was wrong.

REGARDLESS, I know a lot of random crap when it comes to the Backstreet Boys, so I thought why not make a post with a few of those random facts that old fans may have forgotten or that new fans never knew about. 


That one of the co-writers of “Drowning” dated Elvis Presley in his final years? That’s right, Linda Thompson who co-wrote the ballad for the boys, dated Elvis in the mid 1970s for several years. She later went on to marry a guy named Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner and the rest is history. That means she’s the mother of MTV reality star Brody Jenner.


That the writer for “If You Want It To Be Good Girl (Get Yourself A Bad Boy)”, Mutt Lange, was actually Shania Twain’s husband? They were married for years, during the time that he worked with Backstreet Boys. Turns out, he was a bad boy because he cheated on Shania with her best friend. 


Leighanne Littrell wasn’t a stranger to music videos or country music before she married a Backstreet Boy and gave birth to an aspiring country singer. She can be seen in the 1991 music video “Here’s A Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares)” by fellow Marietta, Ga. native Travis Tritt. 


The man that Nick Carter worked with on the Backstreet Boys’ comic book, The Backstreet Project, is legendary Stan Lee.  The late Stan Lee is the man who gave us Iron Man, Thor, Spiderman, Hulk, Captain America, and basically any Avenger you can think of. 


In 1997, before the Backstreet Boys claimed fame in the United States, they got their first little taste of recognition by being on a soundtrack.

The “Booty Call” soundtrack was released on Jive Records and included songs from Too Short and R. Kelley, but also included “If You Stay” by the Backstreet Boys. Back then people were like, “who the hell are they?” but today? Today they know.

Did you learn something or remember an old fact you forgot about today? Let us know!





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