Thoughts: 40 Reasons I Love @NickCarter

by | Jan 29, 2020 | Nick Carter, Thoughts, Top Lists | 2 comments

When I think of Nick, so many amazing things come to mind. Now, this may not be an entire list (is there such a thing?), but below are a few of the reasons Nick has captured, not only mine but, so many of our hearts.

(In no particular order):


  1. His Passion.
    Nick pours everything he has into whatever he does, nothing is ever done halfway.  
  2. That Voice! 
  3. He’s An Amazing Dad.
    Seeing him with Odin and Saoirse is one of the most purest things you’ll see. 
  4. He has THE best laugh. 
    Hands down. The. Best. 
  5. His Work Ethic.
    No one has as many projects going at once then Nick. 
  6. His Bond with AJ, Howie, Kevin & Brian is something we can’t even put into words.
  7. He’s an animal lover.
    Who doesn’t love when he posts a photo with a cat?
  8. Music, movies, a book, the list goes on and on.
    Is there anything he can’t do? 
  9. Charity.
    From The Australian wildfires to Las Vegas schools to visiting children’s hospitals while on tour, Nick has a heart of pure gold. 
  10. He’s an inspiration.
    He inspires others to want to be better, do better and be the best versions of themselves. 
  11. His spirit.
    He’s got such a positive spirit and outlook on life. We can all take away a little something from the way he approaches life. 
  12. He’s so beautiful.
    Not to state the obvious, but…Hello Handsome! 
  13. He treats his fans like family.
    Whether he knows you by name or it’s his first time meeting you, he treats each and every one of us like an old friend and makes you feel special.  
  14. We get to see him in a different element.
    Anyone who’s seen a solo tour knows how incredible his voice sound covering rock music. This is a completely different side then the Nick we see with Backstreet, and it’s something to behold. 
  15. He’s incredibly down to Earth.
    Anyone who’s ever met him will tell you this. 
  16. He’s talented.
    He’s got UNDENIABLE talent. 
  17. Once he sets his mind to something, watch out!
    You may not hear about it for a while, but it always resurfaces. 
  18. He’s strong.
    He’s overcome some tough obstacles and has come out a better, stronger person. 
  19. His energy is infectious. 
    If Nick’s excited about something, you soon will be too.  
  20. His eyes.
    You can get lost in those blue eyes of his. 
  21. He’s relatable. 
    With the help of social media, Nick shows that he’s just like rest of us when not on stage.  
  22. His sense of humor.
    He’s a complete goofball who’s always playing pranks, looking to steal the spotlight, or for a way to pest Howie.
  23. He’s optimistic.
    Nick always tries to see the lighter side of things and has a bright attitude towards the future. 
  24. He takes the time to do the little things. 
    Whether that’s a birthday tweet, a surprise selfie, or just simply liking a tweet – sometimes it’s the little things when we least expect it that can mean the most. 
  25. Shine bright like a diamond.
    He lights up any room he’s in. 
  26. He’s young at heart.
    He may have just turned 40, but he’s a total kid at heart. 
  27. His kindness.
    He’s kind to everyone he comes in contact with. Everyone. 
  28. He’s incredibly resilient.
    Despite everything he’s endured, both personally and professionally, he never gives up and keeps pushing forward.
  29. He’s so artistic.
    Let’s not forget his artistic side. Paintings, comics, drawings…
  30. He’s authentic.
    What you see is what you get. He’s never trying to be anything he’s not.
  31. He’s an amazing dancer.
    He’s got some great dance moves. 
  32. We watched him grow up, and we grew up with him.
    From our teens to our twenties, and into our thirties. We’ve gone through (some/the same) life milestones and continue to evolve alongside him. 
  33. He’s an angel.
    He brings out the best in others. 
  34. He drives us crazy.
    In a good way!
  35. He’s got emotions.
    He’s not afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve. 
  36. His hugs.
    He welcomes you with open arms and makes you feel like you’re the only one in the room. 
  37. He’s a total nerd.
    We love when he fanboys (like when the Bucs tweet him for his birthday).
  38. He’s got that charm.
    The boy’s quite the charmer.  
  39. Happiness.
    He’s the happiest he’s ever been, with a family and life he’s always wanted.  

And of course, we can’t forget…

  1. that SMILE.


Nick, we hope you had an amazing birthday filled with lots of love, happiness, and laughter! Nobody deserves it more than you! 

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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