News: OMG, does @NickCarter has a MAJOR record label offer?

by | Jan 29, 2020 | Music, News, Nick Carter, Pop Music | 0 comments

As many may know, Nick Carter was over in Germany in December after his convention appearance where he had talks with some record labels. He’s already working on a fourth solo album (his first since 2015’s “All American”) and is feeling inspired.

Even during a panel at the convention, he talked about an upcoming solo album.

But does he have a solo deal offer from a major record label?

According to Leena Tailor, a Backstreet Boys fan and journalist who has written for many big outlets, including continuous detailed articles for Entertainment Tonight, he does. 


Can you say OH MY GOD? We already know that Nick has some song titles already picked out, so we legit might get a record before we even know it!


Stay tuned – if there’s Nick Carter album news, you can find it here!


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