News: @Brian_Littrell, @KevinRichardson induct Gary Baker into Hall of Fame

by | Jan 26, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Brian Littrell, Country Music, Kevin Richardson, Music, News, Pop Music, Slideshow | 0 comments

Saturday night in Florence, Alabama, two Backstreet Boys members inducted legendary country songwriter Gary Baker into the Alabama Music Hall of Fame. 

Brian Littrell and Kevin Richardson inducted Baker, who co-wrote “Back To Your Heart,” “No One Else Comes Close,” and “Anywhere For You” for the boys, telling the audience just what Baker meant to them.

Littrell and Richardson thanked Baker for the impact they had on the career of the Backstreet Boys and how he accepted them as part of his family.

“What can you say about Gary Baker,” Littrell said. “Small town guy with big dreams.”

He said Baker gave him the courage and strength to believe in himself.

Richardson said his first trip to the Shoals was in 1998, and he hopes the Backstreet Boys can claim to be part of the rich legacy of Muscle Shoals music.

He said the group jumped at the chance to work with Baker on their sophomore album.

Richardson became emotional when as he talked about how Baker and his family welcomed him into their home and treated him as one of the family.

“He was a collaborating mentor and friend, and a part of our family to the end,” Richardson said.

Times Daily (Florence, Ala.)

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