Thoughts: Getting ready for a @BackstreetBoys show is stressful, but well worth it

by | Dec 30, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, Personal, Thoughts | 0 comments

“Hey, what are you doing today?”
“Going to the concert.”
“What are you up to now, though?”
“…getting ready for the concert.”

Let’s face it, no matter how many times we explain it, men will never understand the hours leading up to a concert – or why we spend all day getting ready for something that doesn’t start till 8 pm. Whether it’s still deciding on your outfit day of, waiting for your blow out, or securing your spot in line for GA – it’s an all-day affair. In fact, I get up earlier on show days then I do most days for work (even if was just upstairs at Planet Hollywood).

We need to look and feel our best. It’s different for each person, but it comes down to being the best version of ourselves and feeling confident. For me, it’s evolved over the years, and I’m not gonna lie when I say – Vegas spoiled me. The convenience of having everything I need under one roof, combined with the mindset of “this is my vacation, let me pamper myself” lead me downstairs and inside DryBar and Sephora.

Show days can be stressful enough on their own, why not kick back with a glass of champagne while I let someone else deal with my pin-straight hair? I enjoyed the whole experience enough that I continued it for the DNA tour, and probably will going forward. I feel it’s no different than a girls’ night out, birthday, or any other social gathering people glam up for.

After being delayed at baggage, stressing out, and running through Miracle Mile Mall to get to my appointment – I was finally Vegas ready and had to take an obligatory mirror selfie.

Now, if you thought any of this would help you feel less rushed or tired, well…on paper, yes. In practice that’s not always the case. Many times I’ve left ample time in between things and still find myself rolling up late to the venue. Things happen, things come up, things get pushed back. Such is life.

By the time you get to the venue, you’re ready for a nap. Or maybe just a quick shut-eye while waiting in line for check-in. Would anyone even notice? Will alcohol help or make me more tired? But once you hit that purse drop off table, you suddenly get the biggest burst of energy and adrenaline. It’s unlike anything you can replicate other than in this moment. I can’t even describe it to you because you have to feel it to know it.

You walk out of meet and greet, and if you’re anything like me and just blacked out – you try to replay what just happened in your mind and make sense of it. The high of a Backstreet Boys meet and greet is UNREAL (and addictive). You exchange fragments of what just happened with your friends as you try and make your way inside for the show. (Is anyone even concentrating on getting us to where we need to be?)

The boys and I from April this year.

Once I secure my spot for the show, I like to conserve my energy until the show begins. I’ll sit, check my phone, or just stare out while others find their seats in the arena – probably replaying my VIP in my head and how Nick made me fumble over my words. There are 2 straight hours of singing and dancing coming up and I can’t waste energy on non-essentials.

The wait for the show to begin feels like an eternity and the sleepy feeling is starting to creep it’s way back in but then…DID IT JUST GET DARKER IN HERE? The show it’s about to start and like the flip of a switch, you’re not tired anymore, your feet no longer hurt, and you don’t care what you haven’t had water in 6 hours.

The. Show. Is. Starting. They’re. Coming. Out.

And suddenly everything you did all day has fallen into place. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. You didn’t waste the day getting ready – you spent the day in anticipation of this moment. Nothing else exists, nothing else matters – you feel at home.

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