Top 5 @NickCarter moments of the 2010s

by | Dec 25, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, Nick Carter, Pop Music, Top Lists | 0 comments


To say the least, this last decade has been good to Nick Carter. 

From the Backstreet Boys being back on top of the charts, to solo ventures, marriage, starting a family and even directing his first movie, the last 10 years couldn’t have been greater for him. 

I know it might be hard, but let’s take a look at the Top 5 Nick Carter moments of the 2010s. 

Notable Moment: Nick & Knight

Personally, for me, Nick & Knight was a big moment not only for Nick in the past 10 years, but for me. I had guessed that Nick and Jordan were working together and even got asked to be on the Huffington Post interview with them. Funny story is, I was asked to be on a webcast with them earlier that morning with “Good Morning America.”

To me, during that time, it was the perfect mixture having both Jordan and Nick together. It was refreshing. It was different for them. And the tour was amazing. 

5. “All American”

For Nick Carter, I feel like “All American” was almost the sequel to “Now or Never.” His solo album in between, “I’m Taking Off,” was such a departure with a lot of dance music. “All American” is, I feel, like “Now or Never” was, the real Nick Carter, who likes to rock out, or be mellow, or just go crazy in a song, like “19 in 99.” 


4. “Dancing With The Stars”

Nick Carter really showed the world what they were made of (no pun intended) when he went on “Dancing with the Stars” fresh off of filming his movie “Dead 7.” Each week was better than the last, but this performance with Sharna Burgress, performing to my other favorite male singer, Elvis Presley’s hit “Can’t Help Falling In Love With You,” was the one that got everybody. 

3. The premiere of “Dead 7”

The premiere of “Dead 7” but all of Nick’s hopes, dreams, imagination, creativity and more in the spotlight for the first time, more so than ever before. This movie was his blood, sweat, and tears and thankfully a bunch of his friends, plus his wife, was a part of it. Was it ever going to win an Oscar? No. But will it be something fans, zombie lovers, and people that love cheesy movies love forever and a day? Hell yes. 

2. Getting married

The words Nick Carter and married is something that a lot of fans never thought they would see. He told the world over and over for years that he didn’t ever see himself settling down. Why would he, especially at 21? 23? 25? But here came Lauren Kitt and changed everything and you knew it was something special from the beginning. So when news broke, hearts fluttered around the world and us grown fangirls may have had our then-bosses ask us if we were okay, but deep down, we were ecstatic for Nick and Lauren. Or at least I was. 

1. Starting a family

To some people this may not come as the top moment for Nick Carter in the past 10 years, but if you’ve seen him and known him over the past 20 years, you’ve seen how far he has come as a person, as a husband, and now as a father. If you had told me when it became 2010 that in 10 years Nick would have two little cute kids, I would have laughed at you. But I’ve seen and been around NIck enough to know when he’s genuinely happy and nothing makes him happier than his family. Plus, seeing him with Odin and Saoirse, especially that precious little girl, it makes my heart smile. 


What was your top Nick Carter moment from the 2010s?

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