News: Nick Carter has turned into Clark Griswold and other Carter Christmas news

by | Dec 24, 2019 | News, Nick Carter | 0 comments

Nick Carter’s Las Vegas home … all dressed for Christmas. (Photo courtesy of ET Canada)

You’ve all seen the movie, but it looks like Nick Carter has totally become Clark Griswold!

Nick and Lauren Carter talked exclusively with Entertainment Tonight Canada and our fellow BSB fan Leena got all the details on everything going on with the Carters, the baby, decorating and more!

Quote of the article?

“Having a little girl is different — the way she looks at you, the contact she makes and the smiles. It’s so rewarding and we’re just living in this family moment and enjoying every minute.”

Can you just saw AWWWW!

Click here to read the entire article and see more photos of Nick’s Christmas decorations! 

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