News: “DNA” makes Popsugar’s Top Albums of 2019 list

by | Dec 23, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, News | 0 comments

Backstreet Boys’ 2019 album, “DNA,” made yet another list – this time from

In the article titled “45 Albums That Made 2019 Seem Almost Bearable,” DNA came in at number 38.

This is what they had to say: 

“After what felt like forever, the Backstreet Boys proved Backstreet was back, alright, with their ninth studio album. The band stayed true to their roots, singing about love and heartbreak, but they also switched things up by stepping out of the pop sphere and collaborating with new writers like Ryan Tedder and Shawn Mendes. Regardless of whether you’ve been a fan since the ’90s or you just started listening to them, there’s no denying that the Backstreet Boys know how to make hits. My personal favorite is ‘No Place.'” — Monica Sisavat, celebrity and entertainment editor

“After more than 25 years in the business, the Backstreet Boys’ music has stood the test of time as their fans have grown up with them. With their 10th album, DNA, the Backstreet Boys reinvented themselves yet again by playing around with different styles of music. There are a cappella tracks reminiscent of their early ’90s hits, but there are also influences from R&B, country, pop, rock, and hip-hop throughout. The album is perfect for old school fans as well as the new generation of BSB fans who might be listening to their music for the first time.” — Kelsie Gibson, celebrity and entertainment associate editor

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