News: Backstreet Boys ad lands on YouTube’s top list for 2019

by | Dec 19, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, News | 0 comments

The Backstreet Boys and Chance the Rapper have landed on YouTube’s Ad leaderboard for 2019, which was released on Dec. 17 and based on views through December 1. 

According to, the top 10 also consisted of:

  1. Amazon’s “Makes The Cut.”
  2. Hyundai’s “The Elevator”
  3. Gillette’s “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be”
  4. Apple’s “Introducing iPhone 11”
  5. Bosch Global’s “The Internet of Things”
  6. Dorito’s “Chance the Rapper x Backstreet Boys”
  7. Audi’s “Science Fair”
  8. Stella Artio’s “Change Up the Usual”
  9. Nike’s “Dream Crazier”
  10. NFL’s “The 100-Year Game.”

The total watch time for all time video hit nearly 275 million minutes with 230 million views.

The Dorito’s commercial earned more than 16 million views.

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