Nice to meet ya, what’s your name?

by | Nov 10, 2019 | Personal, Thoughts | 0 comments

I have been taking an internet break the past two days, but it’s been very hard. You don’t realize how addicted you are to Instagram and Twitter until you catch yourself on there after waking up in the middle of the night.

In fact, I haven’t been on my laptop since last Sunday until last night when I logged on to order something from Old Navy. I had to plug my laptop up. It was completely dead. I’m writing this right now from Microsoft Word and will log onto my website and post it when I’m done.

Since my last post on here saying that I was taking a break, I have been completely hectic at work. I worked over 90 hours the past two weeks and plan on working some today from home.

I have also caught myself battling depression again. Of course, it was bound to happen. After such an amazing summer with the boys and my friends, traveling, and just being happy, it was bound to happen, I mean really. I had one of the best summers I’ve had in a very long time.

Hopefully, things at work will die down after this week and things will get back to normal a little. I have the Jay and Silent Bob show this weekend where I’m meeting them, and then next Tuesday I have Baylee Littrell’s show where a bunch of friends will be coming in front out of town, so I’m sure that will lift my spirits.

I’m just not a holiday person.

On a music, fangirl note, Julia and I got tickets to see Niall Horan next April, which is where the title of this post is from. I LOVE THIS NEW SINGLE.

Until I’m back full time, <3


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