Review: The @JonasBrothers were just as amazing as I knew they would always be

by | Aug 18, 2019 | Boy Bands, Concert Reviews, Music, Pop Music | 0 comments

Thanks to an amazing friend, Stephanie, I finally got to live out a dream that I’ve had for over 10 years – see the Jonas Brothers in concert.

I was a college student, a few years older than the other students since I started back college after taking time off, but I loved the Jonas Brothers as much as I loved the Backstreet Boys.

It felt weird being in my late 20’s and watching the Disney Channel, but whatever. “Hannah Montana” was a great damn show, as was the boys’ show. I LOVED “Camp Rock.”

So this past Monday, in Atlanta, I got to see the boys in concert and it was like a spiritual event.

First off, I arrived at the venue alone, because I went alone, but quickly made friends with a few girls who were camped out because they also had pit. Until I realized I was 39-years-old, sitting on the floor of the CNN Center with girls who weren’t born when I graduated high school, so I stood up and my friends Amy and Mel stopped by before we were let into the venue.

The Jonas Brother pit wasn’t as crazy as I thought it would be, but did get a little cray when the guys came on. This one girl had this LONG hair and just kept bouncing it in front of me. That’s my only complaint. Everybody was pretty cool.

The opening act, Jordan McGraw, was pretty good. He looked as if he could pass as Joey Fatone’s son. I had no idea who he was, but he had a few good songs and had a good stage precense.

Then came the spiritual event.


They came out in this little thing in the air, bringing them down onto the stage as they opened with “RollerCoaster,” which is one of my favorite songs off their new album.

I seriously got chills the entire song because I couldn’t believe these guys were in front of me. After that, they came out singing “S.O.S.” which is one of my favorite older songs and that’s about when I lost my shit because I didn’t think I would EVER get to hear that live.

Now, I’ve been to a LOT of concerts in my life – from fourth grade seeing New Kids on the Block to Monday, my latest concert with the Jonas Brothers – and I have NEVER heard screams the way that I heard them then. NEVER. Not even for the Backstreet Boys and trust me, the crowd was deafening in Washington D.C. last month for the DNA Tour.

The one thing that impressed me the most that a lot of bands, boy band or otherwise, don’t do is make the most of a big stage. Kevin, Nick, and Joe moved around a lot, from the left, to the right, staying in the center with one another and they were great at it. Sometimes band members have their favorite side of the stage, but the Jonas Brothers didn’t really do that.

And it was amazing.

One of my favorite parts of the show was when they performed the fan picked song. They performed “Please Be Mine,” which was the first song they wrote as kids (and plays a big part in their Amazon Prime documentary), but then they went out and did “Gotta Find You.”

YES, “Gotta Find You” from “Camp Rock” and I literally almost cried. I’m not even joking. I didn’t think they would sing it and I had tweeted about it a few times the day before hoping they would see it.

It made my 39-year-old heart happy.

Like the Backstreet Boys, the Jonas Brothers knew that the old songs is what people wanted to hear. They played songs such as “That’s Just The Way We Roll,” “Mandy,” “Lovebug,” “Year 3000.” It was just, the perfect mix of old and new songs.

Another highlight for me was when Nick and Joe had solo moments and performed Nick’s “Jealous” and Joe’s DNCE hit “Cake By The Ocean.” Kevin was backstage during this, probably taking a breather because these guys were on fire the entire almost two hours.

Obviously, when I saw fire come up from the stage, I knew it was time for my favorite Jonas Brothers song – “Burnin’ Up.” I also lost my shit again during this moment. I had left my spot in pit to get something to drink and just chilled out in the back until it was over.

So to say that I had an amazing time basically alone at the Jonas Brothers show is an understatement. If you get the chance to see these guys, do it. I’m definitely going to go see them when they come back to Atlanta in November and I don’t care if I’m going to be alone or not.

Because that’s just the way I roll.

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