News: Backstreet Boys surprises the BSB Army with a new recording of “I Want It That Way” and we’re shook!

by | May 17, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Pop Music | 0 comments

It’s not often the Backstreet Army is surprised, but fans got a big one when the clock struck midnight on Friday – a new song!

Well, it’s not totally a new song – but their biggest, “I Want It That Way.”

The only thing is, it’s acoustic and amazing and gives me the butterfly feelings in my tummy.

“I Want It That Way (Reimagined)” is a fresh bop that makes a classic that I have heard 494,494,390,382+ times new again. Plus, the boys’ voices have all changed since the original recording and it just gives me goosebumps.

Is this a hint at something different? Maybe. Brian has told fans that they have recorded an acoustic album and the YouTube video has the #BSBReimaged hashtag on it.


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