News: Baylee Littrell plays new single, “Boxes,” on ATL radio station

by | May 6, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, Country Music, Music | 0 comments

From left: Cat, Baylee, Karah, and Brian.

Cat and I headed to the Q99.7’s radio station this morning to support Baylee Littrell (and his dad, Backstreet Boy Brian) while they were at the studios to play Baylee’s new song that comes out May 10th called “Boxes.”

Here’s video of “Boxes” from Baylee’s show in April in Woodstock, Ga.

Below you can find Brian talking about the future of the Backstreet Boys, Baylee coming on tour in North America for the DNA World Tour and playing “Boxes” on the radio for the first time.

I’m pretty lucky that the Q99.7’s studios are on the exit before my work exit and it’s literally less than a mile out of my way.

Can’t wait to see Baylee on the DNA World Tour this summer! His first show, as of right now, is Washington DC. on July 12th.

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