When the fangirl doesn’t have time to fangirl right now …

by | Mar 19, 2019 | Personal, Thoughts | 0 comments

Two Fridays ago, my Mom fell out of her wheelchair and broke her femur in the leg that she had partly amputated July will be two years ago. So since then, my life has been a complete utter bag full of crap.

When she went into the hospital, her kidney’s stopped working again and she had to do two rounds of dialysis until they started working again and then the doctors gave her too many opioids and with her kidney’s not functioning, it was like she was getting high on it and went absolutely BSC.

Right now she’s in rehab and I’ve been pulling 13, 14-hour days between work and doing things for her or going and checking on her.

Doesn’t it feel like every time things feel like they are back to normal that things get crazy again?

I have a few ideas for posts … and I’ve started working on one, but I’m feeling blah right now, mostly from being so tired. Seeing the boys on the I Heart Radio Music Awards last week was amazing … and I needed that pick me up.

Oh, so I started writing that above on Saturday or Sunday and it’s now Tuesday and I’m just finishing this up. That’s how busy I’ve been. Things will get back to normal. I swear.

Sorry for being a loser.

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