Personal: Catching up on life, blogging, and being me

by | Feb 16, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, Music, Personal | 0 comments

The past two weeks have been very quiet I know.

First off, there’s a new look to the site because I left GoDaddy and moved over to WordPress. All of the content is still here. Last night I thought it was all lost – almost five years worth of content! But I have it and hopefully, I won’t have to deal with that crap anymore.

Last week I was in Las Vegas celebrating Julia’s 50th birthday with a bunch of my girls and came home, went straight back into work which was hectic and finally breathing a little this weekend.

By tomorrow night I will have a review post about the two Las Vegas shows and after party, along with photos and videos.

Unfortunately, this was my last trip to Las Vegas (I know, I’m depressed), but it ended on the best note ever thanks to Nick. I do love that dude so much.

I’m going to spend my night trying to write up some about the trip and fixing up the site here a little bit. And watching television and being lazy because I’m still tired from not sleeping last Friday night.

We had a 6:45 a.m. flight and I didn’t leave the after party until going on 3 a.m. I slept like an hour on the flight home.

I’m not as young as I used to be. LOL!

But I will have some videos and photos and all of that and get back to my scheduled posts. I have a ton of ideas.

For those that like to read my books, you’ll be happy to know that Lisa and I are working on a book together. If you read my fan fiction, Lisa and I wrote a lot of BSB/NKOTB stories together. If you read “Fearless,” some of the characters might be familiar. 🙂

For now, I’ll leave you with this if you haven’t already seen it on Instagram.

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