The Backstreet Boys sat down for one final interview for #DNAuary and this one takes the cake!
The four-minute video features solo interviews with Nick, Brian, AJ, Kevin and, Howie where they answer questions – from who is the biggest DNA freak to all the pranks they would pull on one another.
And we even find out about a boy besides AJ who had an alter-ego! The Backstreet Boys released a new song from their upcoming album, "DNA," on Friday, January 4, and it seriously might be their best music video to date. And it's not even a single. The song, which came from some of the songs the guys were pitched in Nashville, was…
The Backstreet Boys released the tracklisting for "DNA" on Twitter Wednesday evening (Jan. 9 - Happy birthday, AJ). Thankfully, a song called "Passionate" that the boys played on the 2018 cruise will be on the album. The other fan favorite, "How Do You?" will not be on the album's main… The Backstreet Boys released their newest song form "DNA" yesterday, January 4, 2019, and has taken the fandom by storm. But more than just members of the BSB Army are watching and enjoying! Check out these seven comments that were posted on the video on its YouTube page!
In "Backstreet Boys"
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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology.