On Friday (Wednesday in Japan!), the Backstreet Boys will release their 10th studio album, “DNA,” and our lives will never be the same, but in a good way.
As fans, we have grown accustomed to the boys taking their ever-loving “Backstreet Time” to release new music (and show up for events, but that’s another story LOL!). We want things to be perfect just like they do and finally, we have an album.
Do you know why things are going to change?
We are going to have 8 new songs (11 with the Japan version with the bonus tracks) that we have never heard the full versions of. We will have new songs to lust after, to determine if it surpasses another song as our all-time favorite Backstreet Boys song.
We will have those tingly feelings all over our body when Brian hits that PERFECT note that we know means so much to him now. We are going to have those butterflies in our stomach when one of them hits that final note of a song (most of the time it’s AJ). We are going to read over the CD booklets to see which songs the boys wrote and try to dissect each lyric.

This is the feeling that every fangirl (or fanboy) longs to feel. To get their hands on new music. There’s nothing that beats that feeling. That’s why the four Fridays that we have gotten new music from this album, we have stayed up later than we normally do or wake up earlier depending on where we are in the world.
It’s that rush of excitement flowing through your veins when you hear Nick or Howie hit that sweet note that they always do when their voice almost growls just a little, but in the most perfect way.
I remember those feelings with “Millennium” and “Black and Blue” and I want to feel that way again. That’s why even if something leaks, I will not listen to the album until midnight Thursday night/technically Friday morning when the album is released on iTunes.
I can’t wait to listen with my eyes close and hear the lyrics, the medleys. By lunch on Friday, I will have it memorized probably after listening to it on the way to work and as I sit at my desk.
New music does a fangirl’s heart good.
We are in the homestretch people. We can count the number of days we have on one hand until we have new Backstreet Boys music.
And our lives will never be the same.