Thoughts: Why @BackstreetBoys’ “No Place” might be their best video yet

by | Jan 4, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Pop Music | 0 comments

The Backstreet Boys released a new song from their upcoming album, “DNA,” on Friday, January 4, and it seriously might be their best music video to date.

And it’s not even a single.

The song, which came from some of the songs the guys were pitched in Nashville, was one of my favorite songs that Kevin Richardson played us on the 2018 Backstreet Boys Cruise back in May. It’s very reminiscent of Thomas Rhett’s “Die A Happy Man.”

But there’s one thing about this music video that made me think today at how far we’ve come as a fandom. Know why? The boys can FINALLY make a music video with their wives and children and 99.9 percent of us LOVE it.

Kevin, Brian, AJ, Howie, and Nick can all show us their home life with their wives and sons and daughters. How awesome is that? Remember the days when the fandom would explode at the thought of that? Thankfully those days are gone.

It’s so nice to be able to watch Nick with Lauren and Odin and see how happy he is after all the turmoil in his life. It makes me so happy to see that and see how happy AJ is with Rochelle and his daughters.

That’s why I think this could be the best music video of the Backstreet Boys’ career. It’s the real them. We all know that Kevin loves nature and Nick loves the water. Brian loves sports and Howie loves the finer things in life like wine and AJ, well, AJ is AJ. He loves everything.

They are comfortable enough to share their lives with us and we see the people who pay the ultimate sacrifice of school days without their father there or days and weeks apart because of a tour. As a fan of over 20 years now, it’s refreshing to see this part of their lives.

We bring the boys into our lives every day when we share our fandom with others and remind the world why the Backstreet Boys are the greatest band alive. Now they have let us into theirs and I’m honored to have these five guys in my life and I’m thankful that their families share them with us.

Sometimes these ladies need more recognition than the boys because of their sacrifices and they don’t go unnoticed, at least not by me.

That’s why I think “No Place” might be one of the best Backstreet Boys music videos ever. While it may not be a single (yet anyway!), it shows how far they have come since the days of the original “I’ll Never Break Your Heart” where no one knew that the girl with Kevin was his girlfriend.

Three songs into “DNA” and it’s already looking like one of their best albums ever.

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