Thoughts: Is it 1999 or almost 2019? Because, holy crap, @BackstreetBoys are back!

by | Nov 18, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Pop Music, Thoughts | 0 comments

The past week has been memorizing, right?

Seeing the Backstreet Boys back on top – the new video, the new song, the new album and most importantly – a brand new arena tour.

Arena tour!

Not small venues in the middle of Bumfuck, South Texas, but an actual real, huge arena tour! Besides their tour with New Kids on the Block, the boys have not been able to do that since “Black & Blue,” at least not in America. They’ve always played bigger places in some of the other countries, like the 02 in London, but for it to be an arena tour in the United States – that’s big.

HUGE! (sorry to sound like our president, but it’s HUGE!)

This goes back to what I’ve been saying for a while now – it’s really the best time to be a Backstreet Boys fan.

Those of us who have stood beside them through the bad times (Kevin leaving) and the good times (“In A World Like This”) know what a special time this is for the boys. It’s really rare for an artist who was at their magnitude of fame to fall from it and then come back. Sure, they aren’t at the “Millennium” height of fame right now (and who is beside Taylor Swift and Drake?), but they are back to where they are selling out venues in less than hour.


Sure there are going to be the people who come back into the fandom who has been gone since the “Black & Blue” days and those of us who have stood beside them through thick and thin may side eye them, but you know, just let it be. You have to remember that these people have missed out on some of the greatest BSB moments like Nick’s “Panic” dance and the announcement of AJ becoming a father and Kevin coming back to the group.

The major thing right now is that the guys have a major label behind them who obviously believe in them. They have hit songwriters and artists writing for them. They have billboards in Times Square in New York City.

When was the last time you saw a Backstreet Boys commercial on television?

I can tell you the last time I saw a BSB commercial on TV. It was 2001 and it was a commercial for “Chapter One,” which showed clips of the original “Drowning” video. For the longest time, those clips were all we had from that original video until it finally popped online.

This is what we have all been waiting for – the boys to be back on top, not just in our eyes (because they always were), but in the public’s eyes. In the media’s eyes. In the world’s eyes.

We are not just a bunch of grown women (and men!) who are still fangirling over a has-been group anymore. (Yes, I’ve been told that, trust me, I was angry.) We are grown women and men who are seeing our favorite band be taken seriously again, selling out arenas, putting SIX old albums on iTunes’ album chart, and blowing everybody away when performing on television.

We can party like it’s 1999, but I think 2019 is going to be the BEST. YEAR. EVER.

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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