#AskTheFangirl: “How To Be An Adult Fangirl …” Q&A

by | Sep 3, 2018 | Ask The Fangirl, Books, Writing | 0 comments

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How did you come up with the idea?

I came up with the idea after Hannah and I went to see “Love, Simon” and had a meeting and Q&A with the author, Becky Albertelli, who lives not far from where I live. She mentioned something about being a fangirl, I think an adult fangirl and it stuck with me. I also loved the book “Kill The Boy Band” and have wanted to write something with a fictional boy band, so I went for it.

Are the characters based off of anybody in particular?

If you know me well enough, you can probably guess who the main guy is sort-of based after. Not actually, but if I had to picture someone playing him in the movie, it would be Nick Carter. The main girl, in some ways, has experienced things that I’ve experienced, specifically her mother getting sick.

How long did it take you to write it?

I started it just after the event with the author that I mentioned above, which was in late March. I wrote maybe two chapters then and then stopped until after the cruise when inspiration struck me again, Obviously.

How did you get the title?

The title was the first thing I thought of, even before the story idea. It just came to me.

Will there ever be a sequel?

I have started writing a sequel and I have maybe 6 or 7 chapters written on it, but whether it will go further, I have no idea. I need to sit on it.

Are you working on anything now?

I am working on a story that I’m tentatively calling “The Great Divide.” It’s different than “How To Be An Adult Fangirl (And Not Ruin Your Life).” I’m writing from two different viewpoints.

Below are some SPOILER questions so if you don’t want to be spoiled …. do not read below!

If you have questions, be sure to tweet them to me at @Princess_Karah. 






Why did Harley never tell her mother about Josh cheating?

She was sick during the time that it all came out and so it just never came out. Plus her mother thought a lot of Josh.

I really thought Harley was going to end up pregnant at the end for some reason. Why didn’t you do that?

I didn’t want it to be too cliche. Plus, neither she or Blake are into that thing really. It’s not where they are. It’s not where Harley was when she was married.

You were totally inspired by your game show win on the BSB cruise, weren’t you?

I was LOL! That’s not what gave me the idea. I wanted Harley to win that date on the cruise and so I went with what I knew – a trivia contest. I only won a kiss from Nick. A date would have been awesome tho LOL!

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