Contest: Ordered “How To Be An Adult Fangirl (And Not Ruin Your Life)”? Now you can win!

by | Aug 25, 2018 | Books, Writing | 0 comments

With the release of “How To Be An Adult Fangirl (And Not Ruin Your Life)” coming next Saturday (and the print edition will be ready beginning Wednesday/Thursday on Amazon, we are holding a little contest and it’s probably interesting to Backstreet Boys fans!

The winner will receive a brand new 24×36 (I think that’s the dimensions) movie poster for the boys’ documentary, “Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of.”

The rules are:

  1. You must purchase, either during the presale or after the presale an edition of “How to Be An Adult Fangirl (And Not Ruin Your Life)” from one of the places that is listed on the book’s official page here on The Fangirling Life. You can find all that information right HERE.
  2. Take a screenshot of your receipt (not showing any financial information) and email it to with FANGIRL CONTEST in the subject.
  3. The contest ends on September 30, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
  4. After that, a winner will be chosen at random and emailed a few days after, no latter than Oct. 5, 2018.
  5. The contest is open to the entire world, so whether you’re in the U.S., Canada, Egypt, Southeast Asia, it doesn’t matter.
  6. You can enter as many times as you’d like as long as it’s different receipts for purchases.

Good luck everybody and thank you to everybody who has already preordered! (You can enter too, by the way!)

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