4 reasons why the @backstreetboys are killing it right now

by | Jul 25, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Featured, Music, Pop Music, Top Lists | 0 comments

Since 2016, the Backstreet Boys have slowly been making what some would call a comeback. However, to their army of fans, we know that they have never went away. They have always been here, performing, making music videos, entertaining us on Instagram and working their butts off.

They’ve recently won a CMT Award, broke a record on “Good Morning America” for attendance again and have a Top 10 hit on the Billboard Adult Contemporary charts.

But there are a few things that I believe have helped the boys get back in the limelight and to be played on the radio again.


With the boys signing on to do a 9-show residency at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, it was bound to become something bigger. It turned into a multi-year deal, with over 200 shows and will run until April of 2019. And the boys themselves will tell anybody that Vegas is one of the reasons they are on a surge right now in popularity again.

Not only has it given them a spot to entertain fans of all ages in one spot, but it also has become a vacation spot for fans to celebrate birthdays, bachelorette parties and just plain ‘ole getaways from reality. I mean, they are the fastest selling Vegas residency in history.


I am one of those that believe that if the Backstreet Boys had a strong label behind them, that believed in them with their final records with Jive Records, the albums and songs would have done better on the charts and with sales. They did not have that. RCA has been AMAZING to the boys, helping promote them not only to radio, but in general and in a way that’s not too overbearing or that’s keeping them away from their families. It’s the perfect match.


Sure, the ’90s are back with a vengeance with neon colors, scrunchies and yes, even the music for some reason and we aren’t complaining.

While the ’80s rocked, the ’90s is where it was at. Suddenly it’s cool to like the Backstreet Boys again. Of course, to fans, it was never not cool, but the little surge in ’90s nostalgia has definitely helped push the boys back in the limelight.


Some may disagree with this, but I have to give Tyler and Brian K. from Florida Georgia Line some props at this resurgence in the Backstreet Boys fandom. If you remember, FGL invited the boys out on stage at the I Heart Radio music festival two years ago to perform “Everybody” and shortly after, the boys came out to do their own small performance of a few songs. Then “God, Your Mama and Me” was released on their “Dig Our Roots” album and then it became a No. 1 hit on country radio. They went on to perform on various award shows that they would never have performed on if it weren’t for FGL.


“Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” may be the most “current” sounding song the Backstreet Boys have released in a while. It’s a “bop” as the kids say. God, I sound old saying, “as the kids say.” It’s the truth though. Look at how well the song is doing on the radio. It’s possibly the biggest hit the guys have had since the “Black & Blue” album. And don’t get me started on the music video. While it’s simple, it’s energetic, it’s bouncy, it’s sexy – it’s everything it should be and more.

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