Thoughts: Being a @BackstreetBoys fan in 2018 – what a time to be alive!

by | Jun 3, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Featured, Music, Pop Music, Thoughts | 0 comments

I know that I have had posts like this before, but especially right now, I think it’s important to remember how incredibly lucky we are as Backstreet Boys fans. 

We’ve been through the ringer. Remember when it wasn’t cool to be a Backstreet Boys fan anymore? Remember when he got laughed at and was made fun of when we’d mention the boys? Remember calling the radio station to request “Straight Through My Heart” or “In A World Like This” and the DJs ignored us?

That’s not happening anymore, guys. Things are looking U.P.

The song is speeding up the Billboard charts and other charts around the world.

The YouTube video for “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” has been viewed more times in two weeks than videos that were released five years ago have been viewed.

Radio is playing the song and people are calling in to request it! Yesterday while driving around Atlanta, I heard it twice on Q100 and when I called in to request it about an hour after I last heard it, they said it would be coming up again within the house because others have called in to request it.

And that whole list of celebs that are coming out and sharing their love is spreading?

Justin Pretice, who plays Bryce on “13 Reasons Why” apparently is a HUGE fan of the boys and shared his love all last night while at Wango Tango.

Check out these tweets from What Happens on the Backstreet where Justin is singing “I Want It That Way” and he’s fanboying out with two of his “13 Reasons Why” castmates.

Plus, you could see in the audience at Wango Tango kids who were probably not even born when “Millennium” was released singing along with the songs.

And on top of all this, AJ McLean is releasing his first solo country song on June 5th, at midnight, and the next day will be having a small get together with fans in Nashville. After that? Him and the boys are performing on the CMT Awards and while we don’t know what they’re singing, there’s been no word that they are performing with Florida Georgia Line, so this is a big deal.


I’ve said it recently that it feels like 1999 again, but you know what? This is so much better. Why? Because these are our BOYS. Back then, sure, they were our boys, but how many of us had actually met them? How many of us could say when the boys saw us, they recognized us? A great majority of us can say that now and it really makes everything more emotional when you see how well “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” is being received.

Or maybe it’s just being emotional, but it gives me the feels, ya’ll, just like this guy below, singing and dancing during “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” at Wango Tango.

I think the best is yet to come!

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