Mission: Help promote @BackstreetBoys’ new single

by | May 11, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, News, Pop Music | 0 comments

The new Backstreet Boys’ single is coming out on May 17th and we want to get the guys back to the top of the charts! This post will help us do that but there’s a few things to know.

First off, only call, tweet, message, etc. radio stations in YOUR area. Radio stations have caller ID on phones so they will know if you are not local! We want to make this work and not look too fake. Stream It On YouTube – To Be Linked
Stream It On Spotify – To Be Linked
Buy It On Amazon – To Be Linked
Buy It On ITunes – To Be Linked
Buy It On Google Play – To Be Linked

Below is a list of US and Canada radio stations where you can request the song when it’s released. Thanks to Rose and Gemma at The Darkside and Emilia at Kaos Online for this amazing list. There’s also a spreadsheet that they put together that can be viewed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cIKR_B6l3HMQuo-xM-u6EWErE93jCVwobTD8LN0iSSI/edit?ts=5af3c72c#gid=703043442 

If you have any radio stations, contact Rose at @TheDarksideBSB on Twitter.

For a more updated  list, be sure to check out The Darkside!

[pdf-embedder url=”http://bsbfangirls.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/radio-stations-sheet1.pdf”]

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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