Dream Come True: Two days of Graceland and everything Elvis

by | Mar 28, 2018 | Music, Pop Music, Slideshow | 0 comments

Everybody knows here that I am an Elvis fanatic. I’ve been this way since I was a kid. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t love Elvis Presley. 

This weekend I had the opportunity to go to Graceland thanks to Lacy and it was possibly one of the best weekends of my life. I got to experience so much that I only dreamed about experiencing.

I was in the Jungle Room, ya’ll.

I was on his plane, Lisa Marie.

I sniffed his Italian leather boots.

I got to hold his microphone.

I cried at his grave.

I walked into his front door twice, getting chills each time I did. The room he died in is directly above the front door and it just sent chills.

Lacy and I literally had the time of our lives. There’s so much I could say in the post, but to be honest, I really just want to keep it for us. When I met Lacy, I thought I’d found a fellow BSB and Nick girl nearby. I had no idea she was an Elvis fanatic like I am. This was our weekend.

Check out the photos below from our weekend.

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