Video: James Corden becomes the sixth @BackstreetBoys member in Vegas and it’s magical

by | Nov 18, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, News, Videos | 0 comments

Photo: @JoseResendez

Something amazing happened in Las Vegas on Friday night and it wasn’t someone getting hitched!

“The Late Late Show” host and magical human being James Corden became the sixth Backstreet Boy by joining the group on stage for their opening number, “Larger Than Life.” Personally, I love James Corden. He’s funny, talented, and hey, he’s cute. To know that I had friends in Las Vegas that met him makes me extremely jealous, but so excited for the things to come!

Corden came out in the box above the stage in Brian Littrell’s spot and was instantly recognized by fans. He was dressed all in white, with silver shoes (not the same as the band) and a white leather jacket.

And just like one of the guys, James had the moves down. I mean, the boy knew every single step, except that break down where they all dance really hard and James broke out the Running Man move and the Worm (see below).

[AdSense-A] Unfortunately, as seen in the video above, James only lasted one song. The Brit acted as if he didn’t realize the show was 22 songs long.

According to fans that were at the Backstreet Boys VIP party in the back, James met with fans and even gave #BSBVegas merchandise to fans.

We can’t wait to see if this is going to be a segment on “The Late Late Show” and if this means a possible “Carpool Karokee” with the boys in the future, maybe when they release their upcoming album.

Here’s a full video of the performance.


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