Review: @DemiLovato’s ‘Simply Complicated’ documentary is simply … amazing

by | Oct 18, 2017 | Movies, Music, Opinion, Pop Music, Review | 0 comments

I have been a fan of Demi Lovato’s since she came out in “Camp Rock” with the Jonas Brothers, who were already established performers by that point. Yeah, I was older and in college, but who cares? Good pop music is good pop music. I thought she was going to go places when she got older and she has. 

And as a big fan of her music, I wanted to watch her new documentary that is out on YouTube, “Simply Complicated.” To be honest, that’s the perfect name for it.

I never knew half the stuff that has gone on in her life since “Camp Rock” started and while I enjoyed buying her albums and listening to her music. I knew she had gone in for treatment, but this documentary goes into further detail about her demons and I realized that I had a lot more in common with the singer than I ever thought I did before.

I have had my pitfalls with depression, addiction (may not be the same thing, but a vice is a vice), food and weight issues. I can relate to it all. And it’s so amazing to see her come out the other side so much stronger because there’s a small part of me that wishes I could be that successful at it.

And as she shows in the documentary, it’s an everyday battle with anything you’re struggling with in life.

Demi Lovato is brave to open up like this and I’m glad she’s helping gain attention for mental health illnesses, kind of like Lady Gaga is with autoimmune illnesses. Not enough people talk about them.


Watch the documentary below.


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