Review: @BackstreetBoys, @FlaGaLine take over CMT Crossroads and crush it

by | Aug 2, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Concert Reviews, Country Music, Videos | 0 comments

The dream came alive, people. My dream of seeing the Backstreet Boys do something country came true. It had been my dream to see the Backstreet Boys on CMT Crossroads since the show first started. Tuesday that dream came true.

The boys all were damn near perfect in their performances. Tyler messed up the lyrics to “As Long As You Love Me” once, even though they had big screens in the back with the lyrics scrolling and they had to redo the song.

One of my favorite parts of the night is when Kevin stepped out in front, singing a verse of “Dirt.” It was as if Jesus walked into the room and had a country twang. I’m not going to lie.

One of the best performances of the night was “H.O.L.Y. (High On Loving You),” Florida Georgia Line’s first single from their latest album, “Diggin’ Our Roots.”

The entire set was amazing. The boys’ voices were on point, too. Brian hit that note on “God, Your Mama and Me” and I literally screamed out in happiness. Brian (BK from FGL) was on point during his verses in “As Long As You Love Me” and “All I Have To Give” and both Tyler and Brian did the adlibs that Nick does in “As Long As You Love Me”

And let’s not even get into performing “Everybody.”

Let’s face it. Eighty percent of this crowd had probably never seen Backstreet Boys perform before, or at least in the last 15 years. Maybe they have never seen the brilliance of “Everybody” live, but they did Tuesday night, because the crowd went wild. Absolutely wild.

The Setlist

  1. “H.O.L.Y”
  2. “I Want It That Way”
  3. “Smooth”
  4. “As Long As You Love Me”
  5. “God, Your Mama and Me”
  6. “All I Have To Give”
  7. “Dirt”
  8. “Everybody”
  9. “Cruise”

I got to see my dream performance, just not from where I should have been considering I got to the venue at 1 p.m., but more on that in another post soon. BSB and FGL were AMAZING – perfection last night.

Now if only they could do a full tour together!

This episode of CMT Crossroads will air on CMT on August 30 at 10 p.m. EST / 9 p.m. CST.

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