#BSBVegas Review: I have NEVER been more proud to be a @BackstreetBoys fan

by | Jun 25, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Concert Reviews, Thoughts | 0 comments


I’m going to start this review off by repeating what I said in the title of this post – I have never been more proud to be a Backstreet Boys fan.



I’m not going to do a long drawn out review detailing every single thing that happened during the three Backstreet Boys shows that I saw because a.) that would give things away for people who read this and have not seen it and b.) that could get boring, especially the same thing three different times.

So where shall we begin?

I left Atlanta on Wednesday to head to Vegas where I met up with Mara and Jen (my Florida girls) and Jen’s finacee, Craig, who was joining us on the trip. I got there after lunch so we chilled a bit at the hotel and then headed over to eat a place called Nacho Daddy which was along the side of Planet Hollywood.

We stayed at the Mariott Grand Chateau which was amazing. We had this suite with two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and even a washer and dryer. Plus, it’s right across from Planet Hollywood and the Miracle Mile shops. Legit just had to cross a street, that’s it so with the hot weather, it was nice.

Thursday came show No. 1 and Lacy and her husband Stephen showed up. You all met Stephen on the video I posted while in Vegas about what to expect during the show. If you haven’t watched it, watch it. It’s hysterical even Rochelle (AJ’s wife) said he knew his sh*t.

Thursday Lacy and I went and walked around the Miracle Mile shops and went to the Backstreet Boys store where I splurged and got myself a jacket. I couldn’t help myself. It was shiny and black and I almost got the other one, but this one fit better in the shoulders.It was my birthday present to myself, even though I live in Georgia and probably won’t be able to wear it until October. Oh well.


That night for the show it was just me and Lacy since the others had different shows and we had VIP seats just down from Leighanne and they were amazing seats. Brian and Kevin came by us during “All I Have To Give” and AJ brought up Ava during “Shape of My Heart.”

I’m glad I had a good seat for the first of three shows because the next night I would have pit with the girls and it was a whole other bag of chips.

Woke up Friday and chilled in the room for the rest of the day until it was time to go to VIP. I had gotten sick after the show the night before. Heat and I do not get along so with the temps being in the 100s, I was taking it easy.

We got ready for VIP and headed over to the venue where we checked in.

I got to meet up with a bunch of people from the fan club who recognized me and a few people that I already knew who were coming like Audrey and Allyson and Ricky (who live here where I live). I was a little… hyper during the VIP experience.

Whoever made the playlist in there did a top notch job.

And can we talk about the photobooth?

Then came time for the meet and greet and I kept touching Howie and AJ’s cheeks. I did Nick once. I don’t know why. I was hyper. I was not drunk. I didn’t drink the entire time. I took an Ativan before we went over for VIP because my Mom wasn’t feeling good at home and I was getting paranoid something would happen while I was gone and I didn’t want to get over to the VIP and have a panic attack because of that, so… I don’t know. Maybe Nick thought I was drunk. He gave me two big hugs, which I needed.

And my picture … probably my favorite picture ever.

I absolutely love it.

The VIP experience in Vegas is by far the best experience Wonderful Union has ever done VIP wise with the boys. It’s totally worth it. There’s no standing around waiting for long periods of time or anything like that. The snacks and drinks were great, too. People were playing the games. It was amazing.

After that, we headed into the venue since we had pit, but one of the security guys there wouldn’t stop this one girl from pushing all up on Jen so she and I switched places because the girl was bigger and Jen is a little thing.

We got a lot of attention during the show from AJ coming over to sing to us a few times… Nick grinding in our faces and Kevin and I sung the “love you mouth to mouth now” line from “Drowning” to one another. SO GOOD.

I had kind of wanted to go to the after party, but thankfully didn’t because, tada, I got sick again after the concert. We went back to the room and stayed up way too late, especially since we were getting up early to go do some stuff.

Lacy and Stephen left early Saturday morning and we awoke, went to have breakfast and went to Paris and the Eiffel Tower, which I LOVED. I love all things French, so it might be my online time “in” Paris, although I went to Cannes last year on the cruise.

After that, we went to Madame Tussaunds wax museum and had the best time. I loved the two Elvis statues a little too much, though.

After going back to the hotel room and relaxing a little before getting ready for the show, which Craig was joining us for, we headed over to a place in the Miracle Mile called “Blondie’s Bar & Grill” and it was a-mazing. They had all kinds of different fries, like curly fries, garlic fries, cheese fries. Ugh, so good!

We headed over to the venue and went to our seats, which were in VIP again and met up with Pattie and her friend Lauren, along with Melissa and Amanda. I forgot to get a picture with Melissa and Amanda 🙁

The show, for the third time, was amazing! Except for this time for “Shape of My Heart,” they brought up Kristin since it was her 17th anniversary of being married to Kevin. It was SO sweet.

But as the concert ended, I got a little sad, because I have no idea when I’ll see these five guys again. I have the cruise next year and Nick will be at Walker Stalker this year in Atlanta, but I know unless I start making a little bit more money, I won’t be able to go back to Vegas as soon as I’d like.

These five guys and their staff work their butts off. It was so good to see Mike, Keith, Jenn, Justin and Eddie again and let’s not forget Kat. She’s amazing and works her butt off, too.

Sometimes, and alot lately, I don’t feel important in my job or my life, the Backstreet Boys always, always, always make me feel that way.

And seeing the crowds at the shows, chanting for them to come back out before their encore. I have never, ever seen or heard anything like that for them before. I never attended the Millennium tour, because I just couldn’t at the time, but I want to pretend this is what it was like.

Knowing how hard they’ve worked to get back to this point in their careers, it makes me proud.

Best. Concerts. Ever.

On a scale from 0 to 10, then get a 494,393,938,391. 🙂

To see all my videos from #BSBVegas:


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