News: Howie and James Dorough appear on USA’s ‘Little Star, Big Star’

by | Jun 7, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, News, Television | 0 comments

Well, thanks to little Mr. James Dorough, we’ve learned a lot about his father, Backstreet Boy Howie Dorough.






Like what? Apparently, he farts a lot, they have a song for Howie’s youngest son Holden about pooping and pee-peeing, and Howie likes to walk around in just his boxers.

Thanks for that image 🙂

The entire episode should be up on USA’s official website Thursday (6/8). Click here to head over to the website.

In other “Big Star, Little Star” boy band news, Joey Fatone and his daughter, Khloey, will also appear this season.


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