Alert: Two more years in Vegas for Backstreet Boys? (UPDATED)

by | May 13, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, News | 0 comments

Last night in San Di-ego (Thanks Ron Burgundy), at the 93.3 Summer concert that the Backstreet Boys appeared at, sweet ol’ Howie D. let some news slip …

There will be more Backstreet Boys shows in Las Vegas and November and for the next two years.


Here’s video proof from Sarah who shared it with us and a few other BSB sites:

Now, don’t get upset thinking they won’t tour the world because they know not everybody can go to Vegas. Kevin has come out and said that and said that there would be a world tour next year for their 25th anniversary.

Take for example what Brian said on Instagram (thanks to Amber for asking the question)

So don’t fret just yet… I mean, many of the performers in Vegas do normal tours. For instance, Boyz II Men have had a residency for the past few years and still tours constantly. They just kicked off the Total Package tour with New Kids on the Block last night in Ohio.

And let’s not even talk about everything Jennifer Lopez does – TV, movies, non-Vegas shows …

So let’s get excited! Remember, it’s a great time to be a BSB fan!

Note: None of this is confirmed, but let’s be hopeful!

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