Concert Review: @NickCarter in Nashville (aka – #NightOfNick)

by | Mar 29, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Concert Reviews, Music, Nick Carter, Pop Music, Videos | 0 comments


What can you say about possibly the greatest concert experience ever? Maybe I’m impartial because he is my favorite solo male artist besides Elvis Presley and Garth Brooks, but Nick Carter’s two shows this past weekend in Nashville at City Winery has surpassed them all.

Literally almost all of my closest friends were there with me and some of my favorite fan buddies were on hand, too. And it felt amazing having everybody meet one another for the first time and hanging out with some people that I usually only see on the cruise.

It was just pretty damn great to see everybody… plus seeing my friends all on the front row for both shows with me. I felt so good knowing that some of them had never seen Nick Carter as a solo artist that close before.

Soundcheck was amazing… and the fact that Nick performed “Just What I Needed” by The Cars made me a giddy fangirl. I even told him that was one of my favorite parts of the “Now or Never” tour and he was shocked I even remembered it.

But really, how could I forget?


Mostly everybody has seen the show or seen clips from the shows so there’s no real point in rehashing them both, except that it felt SO good to see my friends (and even myself) get attention from Nick. From holding the hands singing or touching their face (like mine during “Help Me,” I just know it made us all feel good. I think good things happen to good people and while I’m not the greatest person alive, I believe that’s what happened.

Seeing two shows from two different perspectives, I have to say that the second show was my favorite, only because I was front and center. When he performed “Falling Down,” we kept holding eye contact and he sung to me a few times. He leaned over during “Just Want You To Know” during the bridge and sung to me, making me totally mess up the periscope that I was doing. It’s my favorite Backstreet Boys song.

He even asked me if he was sexual again, like he did almost 18 years ago on May 1, 1998, the night I became a fan. I shook my head no, but I said yes. I shook my head because he’s such a dirty boy and he knows it.

After the show, when we did our selfie, I told him I thought he should buy me dinner now since he was so sexual during the show. He put his hand on my chin and was like, “It wasn’t too much, was it?” all pouting and my response was, “uhhh, no…..”

It’s never too much, Nick.

I’ll share photos on a later post when I’ve had time to tag them and go through them. But for now, enjoy over 70 videos from myself and my friends from both concerts. I put Hannah’s first because hers are amazing. I kept singing in mine, but I was having the time of my life and have no regrets. Also, be sure to watch my “Falling Down” video. I might be singing, but just tune that out.  More videos are being added as we continue to upload. 🙂

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