Photos: @NickCarter and wife @Lauren_Kitt did a pregnancy photoshoot and it will make you cry

by | Mar 6, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Nick Carter, Opinion, Pop Music, Slideshow, Thoughts | 13 comments

12800233_10154017404616907_2395426615537485548_nBut cry in a good way… not in the psycho way that some fans behave! The photos are absolutely stunning and I’m not one to like photos like this or get mushy at things because some people think I have no heart, but the photos are gorgeous!

The photos were taken by a photographer, Lori Dorman, who specializes in family photography and are breathtaking. 

I love how they weren’t too cheesy. I see a lot of friends on Facebook post photos of themselves in shoots like this with a “it’s a boy!” or “it’s a girl!” sign in the background that were done by a professional photographer and it’s like, really? Really?

But with these photos, there are a lot of gentle blues throughout from her top in some of the photos and the blues that she and Nick are wearing in the outside photos which are my absolute favorites.

And the tulle! We love the tulle!

Plus the look on Nick’s face in some of the photos shows how happy and excited he is for this. I hope now that some of the “trolls” as Lauren and I refer to them will shut the hell up. There were whispers of people saying she was faking the pregnancy for some Godly reason and why? Because they’re jealous? Because they have no life? I made this post (“If you can’t be happy for Nick Carter, are you a real fan?”) back in the fall when the pregnancy announcement and baby’s gender was revealed on “Dancing With The Stars,” and I stand by it now.

If you can’t be happy for Nick Carter, that he’s happy with his awesome wife and soon-to-be born baby, are you a real fan?

NOTE: The opinion posted in this blog posted is simply that of mine and nobody that I’m associated with.

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