Guest Review: @NickCarter’s #AllAmerican tour was amazing (Sacramento)

by | Feb 25, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Concert Reviewer, Concert Reviews, Guest Blogger, Nick Carter, Pop Music | 1 comment

nickynick2So last night was Nick Carter’s first show of the All American tour in Sacramento. There were periscopes galore going on, but my friend Megan sent us a first hand account of the show!


VIP process was interesting because he was still truly sound checking, so we were all lined up in the picture area and then he called us all over to listen to a couple songs (“As long as you love me” and the “Falling Down” mashup).

Then we went back over to the picture area to have the meet and greet which was cool because the girl we were hanging out in line finagled us back toward the front of the line so we could get back in line for front row. And apparently he loves my mother because he gave her a hug and a kiss before we ever got back in line from sound check and then lots of love during the concert. Merch wasn’t ready until about halfway through the end of VIP (about 100 people). So we waiting outside for two hours to be able to go back in. Which was cool, got to know some new peeps who made me want to cruise. If there had been assigned seating I would have went somewhere to eat and chill or home he didn’t come on until 9.

Riley was good. People didn’t get into her though until her last song, which I believe is the single. They gave me her set list so I can send you that too. She has about 25 minute set and then they take all her crap down so we can get to the good stuff.

Not sure how much you saw of the first set but aaaaammmmaaazzzzzing! And lots of expected crowd participation, which I love because he knows we know all the lyrics .

Second set, acoustic was super fun, the crowd sang the chorus of “I Want It That Way,”  Nick and the band literally stopped playing. My fave was “Second Wind,” mostly because it’s one of my favs right now

He totally picked things back up with “Burning Up.” And hello him rapping is hot as hell! And then “Swet!” Oh man oh man. And that when my phone started tripping on memory space. But him dancing. Emojis can’t even do that justice. If I wasn’t a Nick girl that would have solidified it for me. “Falling Down” was good. I liked how it broke up the set. 19 in 99 was awesome!!!!!! I mean I love it live! Such a fun and engaging song! And he is just so awesome at entertaining! Then “Get Over Me”, super funny when he called himself a creep during Avril’s part. Then he left the stage. 

Encore of “Everybody” was cool. I wish we would have gotten to “I Got You” and ended the night with something of his but the between the hip thrusting and crotch grabbing and just overall dancing I was just in love!! I wish I could go to more concerts but it just wasn’t in the cards. But I will make sure that I do go to the next tour, this was my first time seeing him solo and I totally loved it. I am so happy he came here to kick off the tour.


Blow Your Mind
I’m Taking Off
All American
As Long As You Love Me
Just One Kiss
One More Time
Just Want You To know
I Want It That Way
Show Me The Meaning
I Will Wait
Shape of My Heart
Second Wind
Burning Up
Larger Than Life
The Call
Falling Down
19 in 99
Get Over Me
I Got You (optional)
You can follow Megan on Twitter @MegsgraceS.
If you see a show and want to send in a review, tweet us @Princess_Karah or @_BoysOnTheBlock!

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